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Boards >> Tutorial >> 150 RESET QUEST WEAPON

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by Nigga Man
Nigga Man
player outfit
Position: player
Profession: Royal Paladin
Level: 22035

Posts: 2
Hello everyone, here's a guide on Quest 150 RESET Weapon :)

We need exactly these 2 items to complete this quest

- 5 x haunted piece of woods
- 50 x Iron Ore

You may ask what we need it for, and we will need it to forge an ax with which we will hit Demon Oak. Some people will not know why the ax is needed to hit parts of Demon Oak's body, which respawns his subordinates who want to prevent us from killing Demon Oak.

Once we enter the path shown on the screen, we will see an NPC called Oldrak from whom we will have to upgrade our ax so that we can hit Demon Oak. But first, to get the Oldrak axe, we must go to the blacksmith who will forge the given axe for us We will learn from the conversation with him that he is Brokk where exactly is he? In Quinswood

Once we have taken the Ax from Brokk, we go to the Quest to Oldrak who will turn our normal Axee into a holy Axee which we will need to kill Demon Oak and his monsters

Here we have Demon Oak, unfortunately I won't show you what it looks like inside because I have already completed this Quest

Once we have killed all the monsters and Demon Oak himself, we go to our Oldrak from whom we will have to confirm that we have killed Demon Oak. Once we have confirmed that we have killed him, we must go to the place where we killed Demon Oak and go exactly as in the screenshot.

And click on the tomb

And we can enjoy our weapons and the new Outfit
12.12.23 17:20:50
Edited by moderator
on 12.12.23 17:57:09

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