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Contentbox headline
Words Description
!example This is just an example
!bless Buy bless
!aol Buy AoL
!commands Check the commands available
!reset Reset your character (First reset with level 500)
!resetlevel Check the next level to reset
!checkvip Check how many days of Vip do you have.
!rates Check your exp rate (double for vips)
!shop Buy stuffs like Bps, Rope, Shovel, etc.
!tp Teleport you to a specific destination
!promotion Promote your character (first promotion at level 50 - costs 20000 gps)
!uptime Displays time the server has been running
!online Displays who is online
!serverinfo Displays server Exp, Skill, Magic, Loot Rates
!mana Check your total mana
!life Check your total life
!flags/!kills Check your unjustified kills
!buyhouse Face door of house you want to buy
!sellhouse Face door of house you want to sell
!leavehouse Fast way to leave from your house
!pvpbonus Check your pvp bonus (You gain 2% for each reset)
Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box

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