In Neprenia, we have a special Chest System where you can obtain exciting rewards by using keys. Here's how it works:
The chest is located in the event room, which can be accessed from the Karmia depot via the green teleport in the teleport system.
Weekly Changes:
The prizes in the chest change every week, offering a fresh set of rewards. Players can use the command !chest to check the possibilities for the current week.
Obtaining Keys:
A Black/Golden Neprenia Key can be obtained in various ways:
Through donations to the server.
As rewards for reaching specific reset milestones.
By completing tasks within the game.
Occasionally, they can be found as rare drops from monsters during special events.
Black keys are more common than Golden keys, but both can be used to open chests. The difference is that golden keys have 20% breaking chance, while black keys always break after use.
Chest Rewards:
Inside the chest, you'll find a variety of rewards. The chance of obtaining different items depends on their rarity. Here's what you can get:
Always Items: These items are guaranteed to be inside every chest.
Common Items: These are the most common rewards you'll find in chests.
Uncommon Items: A bit rarer than common items, you have a chance to find these.
Rare Items: These are harder to come by but offer more valuable rewards.
Ultra Rare Items: The most valuable items are hidden here. They are quite rare, but the rewards are worth it!
Here are details about specific items that you can find in the chest:
Vip 3 Days: This item gives you 3 days of VIP.
Triple Experience Potion: Using this potion will give you triple experience for 15 minutes.
Double Experience Potion: Using this potion will give you double experience for 30 minutes.
Half Experience Potion: Using this potion will give you 50% more experience for one hour.
Experience Ring: Use this equipment will give you 10% more experience for 24 hours.
Collar of Experience: Use this equipment will give you 10% more experience for 24 hours.
Death Ring: It has a 20% chance of bringing you back from the dead with half your health. (Lasts 24 hours)
WereWolf Amulet: It has a 20% chance of bringing you back from the dead with half your health. (Lasts 6 hours)
Random Backpacks: Use this magical item to receive a random huge backpack (38 slots).
Stamina Energy Bar: Use this energy bar to gain six hours of stamina.
Stamina Refiller: Use this refiller to get your stamina full.
Outfit Box: Each week the outfits change, and this item stores the current outfits.
Mount Saddle: Each week the mounts change, and this item stores the current mounts.
Skull Coin: Belfort, located in the PvP arena, can sell valuable items and accepts skull coins as currency.
Nightmare Doll (skull remover): This item can be used once every month, only in pz area and removes your black or red skull.
Peacemaker: This item gives you an hour of peace, no one can attack you. (can only use one of these every 8 hours).
Lucky Duplicates:
Sometimes, you might get lucky! There's a small chance that your key will be duplicated, granting you even more chances to open chests.
No Space? No Worries:
If you ever find that you don't have enough space to hold all your rewards, don't worry. Any items that don't fit in your backpack will be sent to your depot in Karmia.
So, get out there, find chests, and discover the exciting rewards they hold. Good luck on your Neprenia adventure!
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